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7 Best Shopify Platforms on the Market

7 Most Popular Shopify Platforms on the Market

It’s time to focus on your online presence. Shopify, known for hosting some of the best Shopify platforms, is becoming the go-to for entrepreneurs and stands out as one of the biggest e-commerce platforms today.

These best Shopify platforms and plugins can help you customize and optimize your e-commerce store, whether you’re eager to boost sales, improve customer loyalty, or even upsell your products.

When talking about the best Shopify platforms, some of the most popular ones on the market include BetterReplay,, and Plug-in SEO. These can help you market your e-commerce store more effectively to attract more sales and revenue. These Shopify plugins can also help boost your online visibility to widen your market reach.

In this article, I’ll dive into the best Shopify platforms and tools that successful entrepreneurs and women in business swear by for their e-commerce stores. I’ll discuss how you can use them to market your brand, drive sales, and attract more loyal customers by enhancing your online presence and making the viewing and shopping experience more pleasant for your visitors.

1. BetterReplay

Do you want to find out why some of your visitors abandon their carts on your site and convert those virtual orders into actual sales? BetterReplay is a handy Shopify tool you can use to do just that. Female founders can use this to ensure that customer curiosity and interest always generate more sales for the business.

BetterReplay records your visitors’ sessions (up to 5,000 recordings per month), so you can find out what catches their attention and which of your items are most popular. You can also track their behavior and glean from there what improvements you can implement.

2. Jebbit

Jebbit provides customized quizzes to improve engagement on your site. These quizzes can be centered on suggestions for improving your products and services and feedback on customers’ experiences.

Female founders can use Shopify plugins such as this to create surveys and personality quizzes to get to know their customers better. This tool can help uncover customers’ needs, wants, and expectations. This is a great way to interact with your loyal customers and ensure they feel appreciated and heard.

3. ESC ‑ Size Charts & Size Guide

Fashion startup entrepreneurs will benefit greatly from ESC because it provides a simple and coherent size guide that most customers can effectively use. Sizing issues are among the leading causes of returns and refunds, and you can nip these issues in the bud with a reliable size guide.

Female entrepreneurs can also tailor-fit their site’s size guides based on their business’ look, feel, and image. Your size guide will be completely dependable for customers and won’t be eye sores on your pages to boot!

4. Loop

Sometimes, returns and refunds are inevitable. They are almost inherent in a clothing e-commerce store, and what better way to deal with them than to maximize the use of efficient Shopify tools to make the experience better for you and your customers? Female entrepreneurs love this tool because it can be depended on to help ensure that their business is not viewed negatively, especially after a seemingly negative experience.

Loop enhances the return and refund experience by highlighting another option’s value — an exchange. If successful, you’ll save the sale and enhance your relationship with the customer, especially if they leave your site feeling happy and satisfied. Loop can even help you upsell by highlighting other related items to your customers.


This nifty Shopify plugin is a lifesaver for technologically-challenged entrepreneurs eager to amplify their online presence. can help you create relevant videos to encourage more people to visit your store and increase sales. A female startup will find this tool extremely useful, especially during the first stages of the business, when a strong online presence is key to survival.

You must select the type of video you want and the particular product or service you wish to highlight. will gather all relevant photos and create a suitable, engaging video that viewers will undoubtedly appreciate and enjoy, eventually boosting traffic to your site.

6. Free Shipping Bar by Hextom

What could better give that final push to close the sale than a free shipping feature? Often, this is what makes or breaks online transactions. Your e-commerce store will attract more loyal customers if you offer free shipping since you unwittingly allow them to save money on shipping so they can spend more on purchases.

Free Shipping Bar by Hextom will make things simpler for you. This Shopify plugin lets you customize layouts and messages on your site so that customers get the most out of their online shopping experience. They provide straightforward and easy-to-use formats that even the least tech-savvy visitors can utilize. Female entrepreneurs love how this tool helps make shopping in their online stores feel rewarding, especially for their most loyal customers.

7. Plug-in SEO

Shopify plugins like this ensure that your e-commerce store maintains a high ranking in search engine visibility. Surveys say that about 75% of users are not interested in scrolling past the first page of search results, so your e-commerce store must pay a lot of attention to search engine optimization.

Plug-in SEO will help you fix issues and formulate better strategies to improve your ranking. For instance, it will help you develop better headlines and utilize relevant keywords to boost your online visibility. It’s like having an SEO expert at your beck and call!

If you liked this ultimate guide to popular Shopify platforms you might also like the weekly Female Startup Club Newsletter, which features the incredibly inspiring stories of 400+ female founders we have interviewed to date.

Conclusion: Best Shopify Platforms

Alright, let's wrap this up! So, diving into the world of e-commerce with Shopify? Smart move. With all these cool tools, from Jebbit's fun quizzes to that nifty Free Shipping Bar, you're basically setting yourself up for success.

And hey, shoutout to all the female entrepreneurs out there making waves – you're the real MVPs! Remember, it's not just about having the right tools; it's about the heart and hustle you put into it.

So, whether you're just kicking off or leveling up your game, keep that passion burning. Cheers to making the online shopping world a better place for everyone!"


1 comentário

Membro desconhecido
28 de set. de 2023

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