Hero Cosmetics: Ju Rhyu
"Securing a US$650m Life-Changing Acquisition"
Listen to Ju Rhyu from Hero Cosmetics episode here →

Newsette, Wondermind: Daniella Pierson
"On Building a $100M Startup with Selena Gomez + Becoming the Worlds Wealthiest + Youngest BIPOC Woman"
Listen to Daniella Pierso from Newsette & Wondermind's episode here →

Flex Mami: Flex Factory
"How Flex Mami Built Her Empire Through Deep Conversations"
Listen to Lilian Ahenkan from Flex Factory's episode here →

Refinery29: Piera Gelardi
"On Building Her New Bootstrapped Startup & A Framework For Tapping Into Your Creative Self"
Listen to Piera Gelardi from Refinery29 and Wild Things World's episode here →

Intelligent Change: Mimi Ikonn
"On Selling More Than 1,000,000 Units of The 5 Minute Journal"
Listen to Mimi Ikonn from Intelligent Change's Episode Here →

Cherub, Create Cultivate: Jaclyn Johnson
"From Create & Cultivate To Her $20M Fund"
Listen to Jaclyn from Cherub and Create & Cultivate's episode here →
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Glamnetic: Ann McFerran
"On Building Glamnetic To $50M AnnualRevenue"
Listen to Ann from Glamnetic's episode here →
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