Today’s episode is brought to you by Klaviyo and I’m chatting with Becca Millstein, the Founder of Fishwife.
Fishwife is a new female-founded and led food company aiming to make ethically-sourced, premium, and delicious tinned seafood a staple in every cupboard. They work with small boat fisherfolks, sustainable aquaculture farms, and microcanneries to bring the vibrance of European conservas culture to the North American table.
I started following Becca’s journey with Fishwife when it first launched last year and have been drooling over it ever since as a big tinned fish eater myself - so I’m really excited to share this episode with you. We’re chatting about creating a distinguishable brand, what it costs and how to find the right folks, what it actually means to create a sustainable tinned fish company, how to start small and build within your means and building a brand that’s truly authentic and unique.
Please note, this transcript has been copy pasted without the lovely touch of a human editor. Please expect some typos!
Speaker2: Yeah. So my name is Becca. I'm a co-founder and I have a co funder. Her name is Caroline Goldfarb. Co founder and CEO of a new tin fish company called Fishwife and Fishwife is relaunched in December where a new, ethically sourced tin fish company right now are. Our sourcing thesis is just going to the places where they have the best and the most sustainable seafood. And we just try to bring it to people in a way that they have not been presented with within the past five years.
Speaker1: I feel that. I really feel that. And I'm definitely going to dig into your branding and your language and tone and all that kind of thing. But I want to start like, really with the name. I'm super intrigued. I love Fishwife. It sounds like the coolest thing ever. Tell me about Fishwife, the meaning.
Speaker2: They're totally so fishway. First of all, I have to give full credit to my dear friend, Grear Stockmann, who is also an amazing woman entrepreneur. She and her sisters are on a company called Block Shop. Encourage everyone to check it out.
Speaker1: Great. We'll do a shout out to her.
Speaker2: Shout out to her. But we came up with we came up with the idea for the company. And I sort of we're calling all of our fellow entrepreneur friends in all fields, not just food, CPG and grear. I think just in Googling found the term fishwife, which was just so unbelievably perfect for what we were trying to achieve with the project. The like with the etymology is I use three to term that was used for the wives and daughters of fishermen who would sell their husband's wares at the market. And because it's fish, it's highly perishable. They gained a reputation for being really bossy and swearing and being like, oh my God. And fish. Fish, right. Which was a neutral term, came to take on this sort of sort of gendered insult for allowed bothy woman. And then it has like this dual meaning of like these fishwives gained sort of like professional rights earlier than maybe some of their contemporaries because they had this power to control these businesses. So it has this like dual toned entrepreneurial approach as well. Plus, love it, I love it. That's the story ever.
Speaker1: What a great name
Speaker2: It was like there was nothing else after you after you found that one
Speaker1: Totally coined it. Let's start from the beginning. Where does your entrepreneurial story start? With the fish,
Speaker2: With the fish, the fish in particular. So Caroline and I, my co-founder or quarantining together, like from the beginning. So March started haunting me at the end of March last year, and we were living in sort of a remote desert, which not a lot of fish around. We were we were on a hike and we were literally bouncing back and forth business ideas, because when you're on a hike, you just talk about whatever. Got plenty of time to gab. And we had been we've been cooking this gorgeous trout a lot. For whatever reason, we've become obsessed with this trout. And then we were just eating a lot of tin fish because it was just like such a perfect Corrigin food. I think, like all of us were pretty overwhelmed with how much time and energy it took to make like healthy, delicious food during quarantine because it wasn't like at least for us, it wasn't like you're you're like ordering a sweet green or like you're going to get a burrito somewhere. You're like in your house needing to make food for yourself. So we were naturally just eating a lot of sardines and tuna and mussels and all these things. And then, like as a background to that, I have lived in Spain in college for a short time. Caroline had somewhat recently traveled to Portugal and Spain. And in those European exploits, we'd both been exposed to the like elegance and sexiness and casual allure of conservers, intensive food, which it's just like you have that culture, like going to a Spanish wine bar and getting a tin of like beautifully decorated sardines. And then you have like going to an American grocery store and looking at the shelves. And it's just like totally clinical, absolutely devoid of any sexiness. And it was like, why? Yeah, it's all done with. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker1: Although I love wings, but
Speaker2: It's all we have. Chicken of the Sea, which like if a grocer exists, please educate me. So. So anyway, we came, we were all on this hike and then we were like, we have to do this. We asked a couple of friends that were in the food world lucky enough to have some like food entrepreneur friends and food journalist friends. And they were just everyone validated that idea. And then we just started fully working on it like the next day.
Speaker1: Oh, my God, genius. So it was born overnight on a hike from a love of fish, which we are all experiencing in quarantine. I feel like one of my favorite meals just in general is literally tinned fish with rice and capers and some fresh tomatoes or whatever, like chopped on the side. So I'm there with you. But back to the story. I want to cover all all different corners here. And obviously, we need to start with the branding. You have an extremely distinguishable brand. It's so cool. It actually brings me a lot of joy looking at your Instagram and reading about it. Who worked on the brand with you and what was the kind of inspired behind the look and feel?
Speaker2: Yeah, so we thought I mean, we've we put a ton of thought and energy into this, as you might imagine. And the way we thought of it, I come from I worked in music before this and did like sort of creative direction and marketing for artists and the process there would always be to go on Instagram. Instagram is so it was very helpful for all of its. It's an amazing database of information. Find different artists, illustrators, graphic designers and pass through who would best be able to communicate the conceptual design concept on a project. So we sort of just started digging into finding illustrators and artists that we thought would be a good fit for them. So we kind of had European conservatives and the bold graphics and the vibrant colors and sort of like the simple symbolism was was like the founding concept for the for the visuals and the branding. And then, like a couple other brands are really inspiring to us, like Cafe Bustelo, Topo, Chico, just sort of these like utilitarian but also really vibrant brands. And that just had sort of a classic feeling so that those were like the mood boards that we created. And then we found like 20 illustrators that we loved. And we pulled a bunch of friends about who they liked the best. And the person who we kept coming back to was one of the only referrals that I got. He's a local illustrator in L.A. Guy Danny Danny Miller goes by Dan Bell and he's done a ton of work with Andron typography, patterning, pattern work, and then like a bunch of cartoon and stuff, like if you go to Instagram, which everyone should, he put out his first comic book this summer and it's just so beautiful. And he communicates so much in such a simple way. And I mean, I can't explain how amazing a partner he's been throughout all this. You just do such a great job and so lucky to have him in my life.
Speaker1: Gosh, that is so cool. Are you able to share, like, how much it costs to actually work with someone like that and how much it costs to kind of bring a brand to life when it comes to like a website and a logo? And you guys have a lot of supporting elements and the packaging and there's a lot going on there. I'd love to know.
Speaker2: You know, it's it's a really, really good question. And I think I understand why people would be mystified by this, because there are I think a lot of startups work with branding agencies and branding agencies are great if you have a budget and don't necessarily know exactly what you are trying to create in terms of individual or brand, or maybe you have an idea, but you really could use the help of a team to formulate it. We really knew what we wanted for the visuals. And so with someone like Danny, he had never done CBG packaging before. And also CPG is consumer packaged goods. I don't know if everyone knows the acronym, but he so he was sort of like we we asked him his fees, his fees were and this is so nitty gritty, but
Speaker1: Please love the nitty gritty.
Speaker2: Yeah. I mean I think like his fees were that of like an indie illustrator designer and they were and for us who had no budget, I mean we bootstrapped the company up until a couple of months ago when we raise a relatively modest precede. Yeah, they were they were like affordable for us. And I just would like encourage people to. To work with independent illustrators and designers, like I think you can use the branding agency, but I had so many people tell me we had spent probably five thousand dollars on on his graphic work. And then Natalie Berger, who is who is doing a lot of our recipe development and photography is also absolutely fantastic, also totally new to food, geography and recipe development. I think up until maybe February, we'd spend about five grand on all those assets. And that's a rough estimate. But I think it's pretty, pretty close. And I just have people telling me that the visuals that we put out was a quarter million to half a million dollar job. Which like a very big discrepancy, you know. Yeah, I mean, I just think it's best of all worlds if you can find independent artists because a like they need support and they like it's helpful for them to get their work out there in this capacity and then they can grow with you like Danny, as we grow and get more funding, we can bring him on to do more and more projects because like we had to hack certain ways that we could be able to use his work, like he would create these beautiful stickers for us that we could use for a bunch of different things because we just didn't we were paying out of our out of our own bank accounts.
Speaker2: So that's what I would say. If people are like trying to come up with sort of their visual language, like there are so many artists out there that are not being paid for their work. And this is a great channel for them to also, like, see their work, at least as far as I can tell, to see their work come to life and really exciting and non-traditional way for for them.
Speaker1: Totally. Gosh, and I actually really love your photography. I didn't mention that in the beginning, but yeah, I also love that kind of element of what you guys are doing when it comes to the other piece of the puzzle. So obviously you need to invest in actually the fish and fish. And I imagine there are cues, minimum order quantities that are through the roof for someone just getting started. What kind of investment or personal cash did you need to put into the brand to get that kind of initial order? And what was that piece like, finding the manufacturer and that kind of thing?
Speaker2: Yeah, I mean, so on to your latter question about just finding our partners are and building our supply chain. It is really I mean, I guess the material story was we started by trying to find a cannery partner in Portugal and Spain, which is obviously where the idea sort of germinated. And we did find one. We had to go through a bunch to get to find someone that would hit an HemoCue that we felt comfortable with. The folks that we talked to range between fifty thousand units to twenty five thousand units mostly. And that was just like the not a good business idea to get fifty thousand cans. Hardings before we launched the brand. It's a lot, it's a lot of fish. It's a lot. And we ended up finding a partner in Galizia that would do ten thousand cans, which now we're about to launch that product about. Seems like nothing which is great. But once we started building supply chain in the US, there were no queues. We were working with all of these micro canneries, which is a double edged sword because it means we're working with these really like pretty modest, relatively mom and pop canneries that aren't. Pushing out hundreds of thousands of cans a day, like maybe some of our more industrial canneries and in Spain and Portugal where this has so. That's what I'll say we we ended up finding partners that really didn't have much use, but I think it's that also presents certain questions of maybe they're things of scalability that will prove to be challenging as we as we continue to grow.
Speaker1: Hmm, totally. That's so interesting, I'm wondering, like, how you actually found those really small. Cannery's, I've never even heard of that word before.
Speaker2: Yeah, I mean, it's so it was all like cold calling it just like I mean, when you start a company, you just have to talk to. I hear this from entrepreneurs all the time. Like, you just have to talk to so many people, like you talk to everyone. And that was the first three months of the company was really just at that point, it wasn't really a company. It was just like a thing. And we were trying to make happen, but just talking to everyone. So that's sort of our supply chain, I think. And how we've built it has been a story of a mixture of cold calling and finding partners through just research online and and hitting people up and going through references. And like especially as we started to really hone in on, like what sustainable seafood sourcing means, we really have to go to experts that can dig through the bullshit and and find us really great. And it's really great partners.
Speaker1: I actually really wanted to ask you about this, the the sustainable side of things, because, I mean, obviously safety is on everyone's mind at the moment. I haven't personally watched it yet, but I plan to. And I've been listening to some different podcasts like Planet Money has been talking about what does sustainable fishing mean and what does it mean for people who do like to eat tinned fish and buy this kind of thing? So what does it mean to you guys? And what do you kind of what defines a truly sustainable tinned fish company?
Speaker2: Yeah, I think the thing that is confusing to people and I gave I mentioned this in an interview recently, but the reason why. Seafood sustainability, like probably so many other kinds of sustainability, is so confusing is because it is just a very multilayered question. So it's not like sardines are sustainable or I mean, there are a couple of species and we'll go into that like mussels and oysters. Bivalves are like are truly an unbelievably sustainable seafood kelp as well. Know, at least at this point. I know you can feel great about eating them, but by and large, like just saying this species, you're saying the reason that's not enough to determine whether it's sustainable seafood. So you kind of have to look at all of these things in context. So it's like the region that the seafood is being sourced from, the way it's being caught. So like this Buratha, when you watch it, you'll see a huge problem that they that they broke is bycatch and their ways, their methods of fishing that greatly decrease bycatch. So obviously, we hear a lot about hook and line, which is by and large the most sustainable way to catch the food, because you're catching one piece of cutting one fish at a time. Whereas with, like these big trawl nets, you're like catching a bunch of stuff and potentially bringing stuff into the fold that you are not intending to catch and you're not going to sell. And it's a terrible waste. So. You just have to look at all of these things in in in context, so just to sum it up very quickly, it's the species, the region that you're fishing it from and how you're fishing it.
Speaker2: And that's for wild. That's catching wild fish. So something that we have been very excited about and very passionate about and digging into much more because. The most recent product we launched, Rainbow Trout, is a product of sustainable aquaculture is is just this whole industry of of of aquaculture, which. I mean, you'll you'll watch this very thing and come up with your own thoughts, but I think by and large, the conversation has been, yes, this documentary has brought up some really important points that we need to be thinking about and need to acknowledge and harsh realities we have to face, but also presented in a totally binary perspective on seafood consumption. And the only path forward that was presented was not eating seafood at all, which. As we all are, I guess not as we all know, but as we should know, is just not a viable option for feeding our growing population. And there are just so many economies and people that depend on depend on seafood as their primary protein source. It's just not a viable option. So what we need to do is support and figure out ways that we can continue to eat seafood in a way that is sustainable. So, for example, our rainbow trout in which we launched last weekend is delicious. So I would encourage folks to buy it if they can. Very tasty. It's a product of land based aquaculture, which the film doesn't mention at all, which like. If this documentary is cutting out a whole swath of an industry as a means of production like you have to, your alarm bells should be going off, right?
Speaker1: I've heard it's really like a sensationalist kind of perspective,
Speaker2: Which like it's the film. I'm trying to get people to watch it. But like, you don't talk about they don't talk about Sustainable Goslar. They don't talk about the incredible sustainable fishing hook and line fishing that people are doing in the US. You don't talk about the potential for for mussels and oysters to serve as an incredible source of protein and iron and all of these things that people need to live. So, yes, you should your citizens should be tangling. But anyway, you are the firm that we work with. We work with a farm in Idaho on our on our rainbow trout and potentially other products. In the future we shall see. But the fish is one hundred percent traceable from the egg to the tin that we send to you. They harvest all of their eggs themselves and they grow just or they harvest this gorgeous steelhead and rainbow trout. And there's no like for example, they talk about escapes in this film, like ocean escapes, where you'll have salmon that are modified in such a way or they carry disease and then they escape and then they in fact, other populations that are like these are all things that are incredibly important to think about. And in systems that do need to be improved, like land based aquaculture, for example, it's totally it is totally disconnected from the ocean environment. So all of those problems that are broached in the documentary are eliminated. So.
Speaker1: Got it, got it, so good to know. Gosh, that's crazy. And it's one of those things like, you know, I've been speaking about it a lot, obviously it's a hot topic, but I haven't watched it because I'm like shit like, does this mean you have to go vegan? Like, I love seafood. It fully doesn't. It's a tough one to feel really guilty.
Speaker2: I mean, it means you sure you can be thinking much more critically about when you when you order seafood and when you buy it and ask questions, ask your waiter, where did this come from? And and check out really amazing resources like the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch List, which looks which examines the sustainability of seafood in that sort of matrix of what I was talking about earlier and make informed decisions. But you do not need to be vegan and it's not a viable option for a lot of people to be vegan. And also that sort of diet presents many problems of its own. So.
Speaker1: Well, lucky we've got some good options out there. I'm excited to try the fish were excited to try the drought. OK, I want to move on to talk about the launch strategy. Obviously, you're in your first year of business. Things are going very, very well. You've launched with some incredible press. You've had your mentions all over the Internet. What was the approach to launching and how did you get all of this buzz happening around the brand?
Speaker2: Yeah, I mean, it's a couple of things. So much of it. I mean, like we all have to acknowledge our various our various privileges and like, we were so lucky. My co-founder has a really strong following across various social media accounts, which I think and we kind of knew this from the beginning. It was like if we we knew that the idea we knew is a good idea, like we knew that people were super excited about. We we knew people were super excited about it. We just think in our social circles and I'm like just going around to different wine bars. And Allison Roman had been such a great advocate for spreading the gospel of anchovies and sardines. All these things like the excitement was there. And we knew that if we could get the brand right and the story rates like we already had a great platform to jump off of because Caroline had so many followers and just people with those already paying attention.
Speaker1: She runs the official Sean Penn Instagram.
Speaker2: Right. Like many locals on so many levels, not a lot of overlap necessarily until now. But I think that definitely accelerated. It is accelerating things because our awareness from day one was greater than it would have been if we just if neither of us had a platform to to jump off of.
Speaker1: Right. And so when it comes to things like the press that you got specifically, you know, you were featured everywhere. You mentioned Lane, Lux Vogue, Condé Nast Traveler, all these amazing press that some brands would dream of getting potentially just in their first year at some point. How did you go about did you work with a freelancer or did you work with an agency? What was the kind of strategy for the press piece of the puzzle?
Speaker2: Yeah, I mean, the first couple of pieces we got to we got to pieces in December from Vogue and Refinery29. We've been very blessed, like fully, fully blessed. Those are inbound. They came to us about writing pieces and then we've just done our own press. So like I you know, I had some familiarity with putting together press releases and all that stuff from working in the music industry and then had amazing journalist friends that were willing to like, look over my press release and make sure it's all good. But I think it was a
Speaker1: Calling on those contacts.
Speaker2: I know God got to reach out to everyone always. But yeah, I mean, I do think it was like. I think the timing was also just right, like people just want to write about and want to read what they want to write about, women founders like them, branding is really exciting to people. It's, I think the the revitalization of the pantry staples, that's very top of mind right now, especially during quarantine. So I think all of the elements combined to just making an interesting press story, there's there's a lot to be sort of unpacked in it. So, yeah, I think that I mean, I guess just as another bid, like you think when you're starting a thing, like, definitely just try to do everything yourself for as long as you can because you'll learn how to do it. So when you do eventually hire someone you'll like, you'll have a really strong understanding of it. So we haven't hired anyone to do press for us yet, I imagine we'll we'll hire an agency for launches in the future once our attentions have to be really firmly planted elsewhere. And I think if we had an agency, maybe we would have gotten more press on different various things. But it's expensive and we're like we are, as they say, saving those dollars. I know. Or I'll try to do the crappy try to be scrappy ladies.
Speaker1: I love that for you guys, though. What do you think is driving your growth now? Like, is it word of mouth or is it these really interesting press pieces or what is it? Or is it paid advertising?
Speaker2: Yeah, so we haven't we haven't done any paid advertising yet. I think it's. It's word of mouth, it's working with the right partners. We're just starting to expand into retail and we're just being very thoughtful about who we partner with on that. We've gotten a ton of amazing inbound requests from retailers, but it's like, first of all, our bandwidth is I'm right now, it's just me of the full time employee. And Caroline is has an insane job as like a very successful TV writer writing on Mindy Kaling new show. So it's just like we have to be extremely thoughtful about how we use our energy and resources because we're finite. Like, we can't just do everything. All that, though. So, yes, I'm sorry I wasn't answering that question very specifically, but it's like picking the right partners, like we've launched with this amazing store in L.A. called Wine and Eggs. That was also just like really buzzy and it just opened up. People are super excited about it. And like the those sort of combinations are shit has just been flying off the shelves there because people are so excited about this place. They're like running to it in droves. And then they hear about our company and they're like, oh, my God, like two female run businesses. And it's just like those sort of partnerships that just feel so right. Just pop off and get people super excited. And it just feels really authentic because it fully, fully is. So it's that I mean, we're going to be doing a ton of really fun partnerships like that. And then I think it's yeah, it's it's just like the these factors combining. The reality is that I felt with so much working in music and feel it so much, doing this business is like it has to be authentic or like the more authentic that it is, the more people are going to be excited about it.
Speaker2: And I look at other amazing women founders that were in a similar situation to us where it's just like they loved this, they loved this product or like this is part of their heritage or like what? Like I think about Jean, who runs by Beijing, who wanted to tell this incredible story and just created this absolutely delicious product that tells that story so authentically and it's tied to where she's from. And all these things I think about like Melanie Mazarin who runs Guia who same story. It's like totally a part of her heritage and is so aligned with her personal style. And when it's like that and it's just like so true and there's nothing between the founder and the audience. It just really resonates and then I guess the last thing I would say is just. It really does help when you are your excepting founding audience, like me and Caroline were two women who live in like a city in the big city in the US, and we care about them. They care about sustainability and all these things and that sort of between the ages of twenty two and thirty five. And that's sort of our target demo for early. So we're starting to build our audience. And yet it really wasn't your not like when you're so close to it because, you know, it would be really exciting to you as a consumer and then you can just create that.
Speaker1: Yeah, I totally get that. Yeah, for sure. And I and I see I feel that with those with those brands that you mentioned and those female founders that you just mentioned, I had Melanie on the show recently and I just love her story and, you know, spending her summers with her grandma, drinking those homemade recipes, like bringing that storytelling to life and in such a bold visual way, I mean, it's just it's a no brainer why it does so well. And of course, I'm sure the product haven't tried it, but I'm sure the product is absolutely amazing. And and then it's the perfect recipe, literally.
Speaker2: Yeah, it's so yeah. If you're able to hit all of those things, it's like what is stopping you?
Speaker1: Exactly. I want to talk about the flip side of business, we've focused on all the great stuff that's going on for you guys and this perfect storm that's been whipping up. But what are the biggest challenges that you've faced or what is one of the biggest challenges that you're coming across now a few months in?
Speaker2: Mhm, yeah, I mean, there there are definitely a few, I think it's just like we were so lucky. I mean, yeah, it's kind of the flip side of the coin that we're talking about. We were so lucky to be to get so much interest really early on. But like we straight up, we're doing everything we were we were like doing product development, we were fundraising and we were launching all at the same time. So it wasn't I mean, there definitely a lot of brands that spend a year or two in like incubation product development. All of these things and then launch with everything sort of ready to go, and that was that's not our story and that's I think you can do it either way. Like, there are definitely pros and cons to both. I think we just felt the timing was so good that we just moved really quickly. But that's definitely like. I mean, it's put certain strains on things like it's just making sure, well, obviously we've sold out a couple of times, which is great, but it's also a product of, you know, getting its growing pains. It's like getting your supply chain up and running and being like, OK, we need this much product all the time, which is which is fine.
Speaker2: And people have been patient and understand that we are undercapitalised business and couldn't go out and buy fifty thousand tins right from the outset because who's paying for it. But would I have liked us to be in stock like for the past four months. Yeah, that would have been great. I love that. I would love to just be getting as many people as possible. So I think that and then it's just I think it's it's all of these questions about sustainability and making sure that we are are fulfilling that and and are making really responsible sourcing choices. And we've been learning that's the thing you just learn so much so fast when you're starting a company. So we've been really lucky to have amazing advisors and people helping us out and directing us towards making responsible choices. But again, it's like these situations where so many entrepreneurs come in, like food entrepreneurs, I think definitely especially come from non-traditional backgrounds. And so it's not like I'd been working for years in the seafood industry. So I fully recognize I have so much to learn and have been lucky to have really smart people help out. But they're still like. There's a lot a lot to learn the
Speaker1: Journey ahead of you, an exciting one.
Speaker2: Yeah.
Speaker1: Oh, gosh, I love it. I love it. So cool. What is your biggest piece of advice for women who have a big idea and want to start their own business?
Speaker2: I think that piece of advice that we were given and fully led to us moving so quickly and I think you kind of have to take this with a grain of salt, because I think this has led to a lot of issues in the startup world, like Silicon Valley world. Which. There was there's definitely an ethos of the move, move fast and break things, both of you, where you just go, you get your MVP product out there as soon as possible so you can get consumer feedback and keep iterating off that and that piece asking your consumers as your customers what they think about your products at every turn. Like, definitely that is the only piece of advice that's like one hundred percent always do that. Like, if you're not talking to your customers, why is this the most helpful resource that you have available? But we like yeah, I mean, we did launch we launched like this little beta box really early on. That was basically samples that we had gotten from. From different countries that we're talking to and immediately started getting consumer feedback from that, which is really helpful and definitely just accelerated things really quickly because people got really excited about the company.
Speaker2: It was like we just got to move really fast to develop your first official products. So what am I saying? I think get customer feedback as soon as you can by launching the brand and you hear this all the time, like Nick Sharma, who's like some three very hot brand guru I'm sure you've heard about, would like create like fake websites or something to just like test a brand and get feedback on it. And if you just got to think of those hacks and a way to to get your brand in front of people to see if there are your brand or your products in front of people, to see if they would want to buy it. So, yeah, I would say talk to your customers, do try to test something with customers as quickly as possible. Always be asking people their opinion. And then just like generally I mean, you just have to talk to so many people to do this and you should because it will lead you in incredible directions that will allow you to build your business.
Speaker1: Follow the breadcrumbs, as they say,
Speaker2: Follow them and we will take your logo.
Speaker1: So at the end of every episode, I ask everyone on the show a series of six quick questions and some of it we might already touched on, but I asked them nonetheless. So question number one is, what's your why why do you do what you do?
Speaker2: I just think there's so much potential for what we're doing in terms of educating and supporting sustainable seafood, and I think there's just so much in every direction. I think there's so much potential for for this category.
Speaker1: I love it. I'm so here for it. Question number two is, what do you think has been the number one marketing moment so far that made the business pop?
Speaker2: Oh, my gosh. I mean, I don't know if this counts, but like I just think when we launched our visuals, like for the first time, people were like, oh my God, this is insane. Like, full credit to Danny on that because he made them. So the moment was picking a really awesome illustrator to represent the brand.
Speaker1: I was one of those people on the show, but, you know, the theory is where do you hang out to get smarter? What are you reading or listening to or subscribing to on the Internet these days that other people should know about?
Speaker2: I mean, I fully say that like the first four months of the business, I just listened to all of how I built this and learned so much. So if you're starting your business, definitely listen to that podcast, because it will teach you so many so many things. Yeah, I feel like that's. And then, yeah, I mean, Dan Frommer's, the new consumer, is an amazing, amazing newsletter that really analyzes consumer trends. We had a feature come out this morning. Check it out. Very, very grateful for that.
Speaker1: Whoa. I'm going to link it in the in the show notes. Go check that out. So question number four is, how do you win the day? And that's around four AM and PM rituals that keep you feeling happy and motivated and successful.
Speaker2: Love it. I am a runner, so I just came out around this morning and it has saved my life. Yeah, I run there a few different places in L.A. that I run. And I always it's like it is just true. It was where I come up with a lot of ideas. So, yeah. Running and then what else? I try to leave my phone outside of my bedroom because it's terrible and I have it in there, but I'm not good at it, but I am working towards that goal
Speaker1: And want to work towards that goal to I talk about doing that all the time. I've never done it once, not even once. But like, I want to be that person.
Speaker2: I do it for a week and it made me feel like a complete person again.
Speaker1: But I need to get on this. I need to try maybe tonight I'm going to try to not just do it myself with the face
Speaker2: I'm going to
Speaker1: Blow. All right. Question number five is, if you only had a thousand dollars left in the business bank account, where would you spend it?
Speaker2: Oh, my gosh, I mean, I would probably buy more fish because then I could sell the fish and then I would have more money.
Speaker1: A perfect way to do it. And question number six, last question is, how do you deal with failure? What's your mindset and approach when stuff doesn't go to plan?
Speaker2: Um, I think it's just I mean, you just got to say, OK, what did we do wrong here? I think try to lay the groundwork for failure by always being honest. And just what is it like having a paper trail? There's a phrase I'm looking for keeping your tracks just like always be very honest. And then like whatever happens in your failure, like. If you were acting genuinely and you were trying to do the right thing, then, like, that's all you can that's all you can say, like you'll learn from it. But like, your intentions were good. And just some of that. Yeah, keep going.
Speaker1: Just own it. Basically.
Speaker2: Just own it. Yeah, just own it. Yeah. I saw a company just very, very quickly. There's a company I thought that had huge delays on their like their orders and they just sent a huge email to their customers that were like, hey, this is what happened. And it was so nitty gritty. It was like our company ran out of the seasoning, blah, blah, and just like really gave it give all the details. I'm like, yeah, that sounds really, really, really challenging.
Speaker1: And I appreciate it. I bet that's what everyone said.
Speaker2: And I appreciate you just being honest.
Speaker1: Totally love it. Becca, thank you so much for being on the show and sharing your story and your fish. I'm just so pumped for the day that you expand into the UK and beyond so I can be your first subscriber international subscriber subscriber. Yeah, I want to subscribe to tinned fish.
Speaker2: Oh yeah. I think we'll have a subscription, I'm sure.