Welcome back to the show! It’s Doone here. Your host and hype girl. Today's episode is presented in partnership with our pals at Norby - if you haven’t met them yet you should totally check them out!!! I use their software for my super cute link in bio and marketing tools that are created specifically for small business owners, content creators and entrepreneurs like you and me.
In this episode we’re going through Claire’s journey on creating the beautiful world of Moodelier, how she launched and got her first true fans and her top pieces of advice.
And if you want to get a free month long trial of Norby just head over to the show notes where you can find the link!
Let’s get straight into this episode, this is Claire for Female Startup Club.
Please note, this transcript has been copy pasted without the lovely touch of a human editor. Please expect some typos!
Yes, so my name is Claire, I'm originally from china, I lived in San Francisco about 10 years and I came here for another second degree and that my background is in fashion, marketing and development. Um So after school I kind of did a few freelancing different roles. I was a photographer stylist, I designed events for Bumble Soho House. Um so kinda and worked for retail a little bit, so kind of different roles in all in creative um style related and that kind of just gave me overall concept. Um this is what I wanted to pursue and also I realized there's a common issues and the problems in the industry, no matter which one, I mean either for the event industry or is it for uh photo shoot, is it for retails? I could not find these beautiful shapes that I can utilize either for my product photography's or with models or with events or simply just display product in the retail floor. Um So that's kind of the concept started because I was having a hard time to finding these pieces and I tried to make it on my own from scratch, obviously leaving the san Francisco tiny apart apartment back then It was a disaster, tried to cut wood sanding and painting. Um it was very labor intensive. So later on when I had a little bit but budget, I was trying to hire woodworker to help me, but you know, leaving the big city the day rate is like $500 for something small. So that I basically at that point I exhausted every possible solution and yet I still cannot come up with a beautiful product that I wanted. So that's when the the the idea come from. Why don't I just start a company where I'm manufacturing these pieces were I can, that that is a classic enough where I can utilize for a photo shoot. But after that, because we're all living in a very small apartment in a bigger city, I wanted to be able to utilize as a home decor piece after the shoot. So you don't have to have like huge warehouses storage, all these props pieces you've been collecting for an event for shoots where you can just use it in your apartment. So these pieces are born with that idea. But yet um I feel like it's good enough and building the lasting for years to incorporating your home. Um so that's kind of the idea come from and as I was explaining, I love the word mood and I love the word Attlee A Somalia was born with a combination of both and I think that really speaks to my soul too. BPD packing your your sentence. Um I think uh so that's basically the brand idea coming from, but during pandemic, uh it really kind of kicked me on my butt because I was losing all the freelancing work at the beginning. So I had the idea back in 2019. So I was already did a lot of like research and I did the sampling and stuff like that, registered the name. Um But really during pandemic was the moment makes me realize, oh I really need to start this, otherwise, you know, I will never be able to make it. Um So and when I started and I realized I can't just provided the beautiful tool, I have to give the knowledge back up um back up the tools because as you and everybody also knows just because you have a beautiful, expensive piece of equipment, doesn't mean you make beautiful art. Um So I that's the idea of course coming from where I can basically create a platform where I have these resources or I can reach out other creators who are just so talented and amazing people where they can teach their creative process by maybe that demonstrating my peace or or not, that's kind of like an idea where I want to have a holistic approach, not just providing the tools for the creators but also the knowledge of other creator who has already been there, done that. Um Yeah, so that's basically overall my gosh, I love it so much. So cool and I feel so like unique. I haven't seen anything like that on the internet and like kind of merging that physical product with the online digital course and resources for, you know, photographers and stylists or just creative entrepreneurs and product owners in general. How were you solving that manufacturing piece of the puzzle in the beginning? Like how did you know what to do, Where did you start looking for people who could help you bring the product side of it to life? Totally. Um I mean as everybody knows, people just go on alibaba and they're searching for a factory, but because this is such a huge pool, you really have to make sure at least talking to like a hand off of the factory and compare how responsive they are. And then you kind of, it's a little bit of like a guessing tone at the beginning because you don't really know this person and you don't know if there are, you know, for real or if they're giving you misinformation. So it's at the beginning stage when you do not have a relationship with any factories, it is kind of hard to find doing that perfect factory for you. But that's just kind of how it is. My suggestion is to talk with maybe at least three fat different factories. And then then you kind of have to do that like a bouncing back and forth kind of dance and then talking to them and just kind of feel it like trust your gut. Like when you talk to these people and also to know that um from my experiences they turn to over promising all the oversea factories, they say yes, I can do this, I can do that. That's easy. But when they actually start producing then you start getting the samples and you realize oh this is not what they're promised. So you cannot have to have the buffer time building into. So especially when you are small you don't have a huge budget and resources on that. So it normally takes longer time to develop a new product unless you're just going to go on to alibaba buying to the existing product from the manufacturer which is I personally do not like to do that because a is not really ethical because somebody else design that product and then now you're just ripping off secondly it's not original products. So that doesn't set you apart. So now I've been doing this business for two years when I first started I did a whole ground research work. There's no brand exist but since I started obviously anything is good, it's gonna be copied after. So I see like a handful of instagram constant trying to do photography props which is not really exactly everything I do. Like I explained it that my product is good furniture grade and it's not only beautiful props. So I see they trying to mimicking the product but they didn't really get the deeper meaning behind it. And all the props are either. Um basically build very low quality and never very thin so they don't really offering like versatile usage where all my product is very thick and even like each side you can display it in different way, right? Like you can do this way, you can do this where you can do this way. So that's like why my product is a little bit more premium and you you can use it in many different ways. But imagine when you have a lower quality product that they can, I'll do this. Think of a product, they just do like a little piece of layer of this and the usage is very limited them because you don't serve as like a platform anymore. And also the quality is very low. They don't really send the surface really well, it's really rough and so I see people are doing that but because I actually designed and developed and find the factory on my own, it took me over a year and a half to kind of finalize on some of these products. So then I know that they can copy it but they cannot have exactly the same quality of the product. So that's another thing why I say, I don't love the idea, just go on alibaba sourcing the existing product. If you really want to quit a unique original product, you really want to make a name for yourself. I think designing and develop everything in house is the way to go. So yeah, I don't know if that answered your question of the manufacturing peace. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, definitely did. I still have so many questions on the manufacturing piece. I want to stick there just for one more moment. Obviously your products are large scale and they look really heavy. What is the shipping kind of situation for you? It seems like it would be tricky and expensive and I want to kind of talk about shipping but also kind of talk about like the financial side of shipping and this kind of piece of the puzzle. Yeah, I love you ask that and I can tell you probably talked or had experiences working with heavy product logistics and then you, that's exactly one of the hardest part of my business. That's why some people say they don't like the idea of doing a e. Com for furnitures because the logistic part is hard and then think of think about my product is essentially smaller scale furniture, they are pretty bulky heavy and I sell everything bundles and the packaging. It's actually quite hard because all my products in different shapes and everything is a small batch. So I do not have the capabilities actually creating mold for every single packaging like some other brands can offer. So the wrapping process is very hard and sometimes the corner get damaged when the deliver guys throwing the packages. So logistics and shipping is definitely a big hectic for me for the longest time. I was shipping everything from my factory in china directly to your front door and then the shipping was very expensive to start with. But and then pandemic hey, like everything raised and shipping kind of like tripled the amount of as I started. So now I actually have a warehouse of fulfillment center now in Union city California to do all my US domestic shipping. So that actually is a little bit easier for me now with all the U. S. Shipping because it's faster and it is definitely lowered my cost um because shipping directly from china by airplane, it is Insanely expensive. Um we're talking about like easily over $100 for shipping and if you're buying a larger pieces that's like up to 200 even more um yeah wow, it's so interesting because of course like when you have D. Two C. Brands, you kind of think like I don't know everything's going to be kind of easy, but then if you have something that's breakable or you have something that's you know, glass or frozen or heavy, like heavy big bulky products, you have to factor that in in the beginning of your thought process for building in your margins properly and kind of even I imagine the startup capital that you needed, which is kind of leading me onto my next question, how much did you need to invest in that R. And D. Process to even get your kind of original batch of samples and your first minimum order ready to launch. I think ready to launch was not that crazy. I probably, I probably did like 20-30K. Max to kind of get everything going that including branding including like everything else I think getting started is not the hardest part to be able to operating, maintaining and having a longevity of a business running a sustainable business, like this is actually quite hard because there is a capital then there's inventory, you always have to, if you make money, have to put it back in, if you make money, you kind of like going on this like a little rabbit hole as a business. So that's the part I think is a hard hard because you always have to ring best back into your business. Um so that's why I feel like to form my business model because I have partially digital, partially physical product, so those two pieces are kind of helping each other all at times while the courses is not selling as well, the pieces are still selling and sometimes the p pieces are having a hard time with like a supply chain or whatever the courses helps a little bit. So I think having a business like this is helping me in a way that at least I don't have all my eggs in one basket, even though I know like the physical part is actually harder to manage because there's just a lot of logistics to to manage um but yeah, so I think it is definitely difficult to um to launch it um but I think actually operating it running a sustainable businesses are harder than the launching part. Yeah, absolutely. It's it's all about like the compound effect of over time and continuing to take that, you know, those small, tiny steps, those small actions and just not giving up basically when times get tough because the journey is so long. If you're a small business owner and you manage your own fulfillment, you've probably heard of the Dymo label printer, it's the gold star for e commerce store owners and they've just released their label writer five series with new software that's easy to install and use giving you more control over your printing than ever before. This printer will streamline your operations and print labels in precise quantities with ease and faster than ever. And with the new software you can keep track of the size, type and number of remaining at a glance reducing misprints and alerting you when it's time to change the label roll, you'll also be able to save money with no need for expensive ink or toner, which also means less waste as well as being made from sustainable materials. This is Deimos most impressive label writer model yet and we can't wait to hear about the impact it can have on your business, You can pick one up from your local office supply store or learn more at Dymo online dot com dot au. I'd love to talk a little bit about specifically what you were doing in the lead up to your launch, how you went about launching and kind of getting that initial batch of customers and true fans for the brand and kind of, you know, that early phase of launching the brand. Yeah, the early part is really just me. I didn't have a whole lot of, even though I have obviously have a background of free marketing but didn't have a whole a lot of working experiences in marketing. So my strategy was because I have some friends in the industry who are photographers and I definitely contact them. And I also made a lot of D. M. S. And basically collecting all my creators who can be part of my course. So that was part of my launching strategy where I utilize my networks and I knocked on a lot of Stranger Stores and talked to a lot of people and send them my product and talk to them the ideas potentially if they we can all launch a correspondent together. So that was basically my go to strategy. When I started, I didn't have ads, I didn't have anything else, but I think I really just like that on that one ideas were if we're launching this course together, that will give me um some marketing exposures. Um Yeah, so that's sort of how I started and what was the impact of that? Like how did it go? Oh, it was really successful because when I launched my course, I think it was early, early 2020 and thats what everybody start thinking, oh we're gonna launch a course, we're gonna launch a course. I think I acted fast. So when we first launched the course, there's not a whole lot of course coming out yet, so that gave really good impact and a lot of people purchased. So the launch was really successful as you know, a single female founded a company that is not easy back and I also did not spend a lot of money into this. I think it was a very successful launch, I love that. Very cool. And I guess like for you as well, you came out with something that was so unique, looked really exciting, looked really different, was a different offering. So people, especially at that time when, you know, it wasn't so saturated, like you said, they were able to be like, wow, you know, I haven't seen something like this before, I really want to be part of this and part of this community and and learn from you, how did you kind of keep the momentum going? I know you said in the beginning you didn't run ads and you kind of were just you know, launching based on working with those creators and influencers and things like that, but how did you kind of continue to evolve your marketing strategy over that first year in business? I launched a second course towards the end of the year and that one was really successful as well and I keep on updating my course quality, upgrading my course quality and make it a different modules, Make it you know we have pdf we have worksheets so every time I launch a new courses more upgraded than the other one. So that kind of continued going to the second half of the 2020 and 2021 and also the product itself I would say when I launched there's obviously no other brands existed doing exactly the same thing so I get so many D. M. S. Good feedbacks of oh like this is what exactly I wanted and I couldn't find it and thank you so much for you know creating this and I got a lot of good feedback so that kind of gave me a good like a momentum and good motivation to keep on going. I know I'm serving underserved groups and I'm solving a problem. Um They need to be solved like myself because they say to find that founder market fit and I was that market and I was looking for my product. So I think because of that the first year was Doing really well because I have the good feedbacks and the momentum and I was doing more courses. Um but later on I did start running a little bit of as I think towards the end of the 2020 when I launched the course I tried as and back then obviously it's a different world of Facebook ads. And I was doing really well when I first tried with as as well, were you doing them yourself or did you kind of outsourced to work with someone, a specialist? I also start to another 3rd party agency running physical cast. I mean it's so crazy now. You know how the landscape has changed now that IOS 14 updates came in and adds the landscape just, you know, changed like crazy. But have you tried um you know, going down the pathway of Tiktok and what's been your experience with Tiktok spark ads and that kind of side of things? Are you, are you in that space? Oh, I, you know, I see your Tiktok. I'm a huge consumer. I shouldn't do this, but I'm on Tiktok for hours every single day. Um it's so good. So addictive. My God, I'm obsessed. I know I love your content on Tiktok and I love, you're talking about like different brands different, you know, things you can apply. Like I love what you're doing on Tiktok. Maybe this is something I could ask you for advice after the call. I definitely think Tiktok is a must strategy for marketing. Um but I haven't got a great like strategy or for miller how to get more attractions on Tiktok because like, like, like everybody says there's different, I so far the basically what I create on reels, I try to repurpose on Tiktok is just not working exactly the same. So I haven't found my perfect formula and a strategy on Tiktok yet, but I definitely think it's a must marketing channel and it's cheapest if you want to buy into buy ads on Tiktok, it's definitely the cost of click through. It's definitely lower then. Um, instagram facebook. Um, but overall it's definitely great, Great platform. I just haven't found my exactly strategy on that channel yet. I'm still trying testing a few things. Yeah, but maybe I'll ask you after the call, what is your salt and advise? Oh my gosh, I'm on it. I would be so happy to help you. Of course I can give you any tips. I haven't personally used the like Tiktok spark kind of platform yet. So I really, I'm not even familiar with what it looks like to be honest, but I keep hearing people talking about, you know, the switch from facebook ads and instagram ads and now moving to kind of the Tiktok ad space, which is quite lucrative and driving a lot of traffic. So I was interested to know whether you'd explored that at all. I have talked to somebody who are running ads for Tiktok. So my overall feedback is exactly what you said. Um, the convergent rate is not as good as like the click through rate or driving traffic, but it is really easy for people to gain exposure like kind of getting the traffic on the website whether or not they're buying. It's not, it's another story, but it's really good to getting the exposure. That's sort of what I heard from the ad strategist, What's like working for you now in your marketing mix kind of, you know, in 2022 with the different changes in the landscape and the platforms and everything. What are you kind of focused on? It's so interesting that I am definitely trying different things because Tiktok is one thing, I wanted to figure it out and I'm trying to create reels like everybody else, which I feel like 2022 is just completely whole new Year for all the incomes because everything you have been doing for the last two years is no longer working and no longer serving. So you have to, all of a sudden you have two came up with brand new guidebook for your brand. So, I am in that stage of, I'm trying to figure out what is my new stress before. I have like a pretty good system going 2020 2021 but this year is obviously it's no longer working. So I am in the process of figuring out what is my new system. Um, so obviously trying real, so short form video content. But another strategy is actually going to more in person events, like a trade shows markets to expose myself with real people, not like on the internet, like all the internet people and then they can actually see touch feel my product and they realize, oh, this is good quality because a lot of stuff on the internet you can't really touch. And a few nsc, especially with my type of product, if you're a photographer, you'll see, oh, it's like kind of expensive. I don't, I don't know, maybe I would just buy it from the other brands who has like maybe similar stuff, but they don't see the quality in person. So they don't understand what They're missing out. So one of the strategies going to different trade shows, different markets, just see people in person. Uh, and another on top of that, another one is having distributors before 2021. I've never thought about distributors, but since last year I'm thinking about distributors or having another party to carry my product or if they have a larger platform and obviously that's good exposure for me. So right now we just got a design milk shop. So that's a big platform. I think it's gonna be good for us marketing wise. And I'm trying to get another one. I forgot the name of it. Um, but it, I mean the boarding process and also, I am changing my shop, it's really funny to say because most of the Aecom shop is on Shopify, but my shop is actually created on web flow. Um, so now, I mean the transition for moving my shop on Shopify. I think after that, a lot of those third party vendor integration is gonna just be so easy for me. So I'm gonna do more this like third party marketplace, like onboarding my brand to their their places. Um so I think that's my number two strategy 11 once in person and then the second one is getting more distributors. Yeah, I can see how well like your products would work being in person and in cool stores and cool retailers and kind of surrounded by other cool products to when you say that you were on web flow and you're moving to Shopify when like I think about starting a dtc brand, I immediately go to Shopify. Like there's no other option in my mind and anyone who ever asks me, I'm like, oh there's just no other company, you need to go to Shopify. But for you, what was the decision making process to going to web flow and then what made you choose to actually switch over to Shopify? When I first started, everybody is telling me um to design a fully customize the Shopify store, it's gonna be super expensive and when I started, I have no money to really invest in the 20 K or like 10-K. Even website. So the decision was basically, I want a beautiful website if I want to do it for cheap and wet flow is the option for me. But as I grow, like I reinvested in a lot of money to customize the platform, but I think since last year and then realized I'm being hitting on so many walls because white flow is not, it's a great platform, but as you said, it's definitely not beautiful aecom. I was hoping as my shop grow their platform should be grow as well for being more into suited for Aecom like mine, but they didn't really grow in that part. So not my shop has grown, I need a lot of different integrations and it's just they're not viable even with the new facebook KPI for ads, it was also not good integration either. I was on a call with their support for like hours and we didn't even ended up figure out the solution for the new KPI for facebook ads. So I'm just completely bummed out because I did spend a lot of energy time and money build my current platform. But I also realize I cannot no longer grow on that platform and I do have 200% switch the platform in order to grow more. I'm just losing on sales to stay in that platform. So that's the decision I made, even though it was kind of sad but I was very firm, it's like it's time, it doesn't matter how much money time effort I put into that platform, there's no longer serving me, there's no point for me to still holding on that. Um so now we're going to move completely to shop by, by the end of next month august, oh my gosh, I can see it in your face you look really excited. So today's episode is actually brought to us empowered by our lovely friends at Norby. So I want to have a quick chat about them and to see like how you're using them, what it helps you with what the impact has been and just your overall kind of thoughts on Norby. Yeah, I first saw Norby is obviously through bulletin, I see they have this beautiful linking bio page and like, oh that's really cool because all the, you know, before that it was all kind of ugly and I I do like the design aspect. So first that it was attractiveness is because the aesthetic is not gonna lie. And as I looked into more, I'm like, oh they're using this new thing called Norby and then I think I probably send a demo request at that point um and then I'm also a believer or supporter of a new things coming out and like to test it out and then try it. So that part of me is like, oh I wanted to try this new will give it a try for this new platform and as I was on boarding, I realized this is much more than just like, linking bio kind of thing is more of a marketing um they're trying to build a your go to marketing platform, where is text message? Text message and the sign up forms and collecting monies and email marketing which is kind of fascinates me how how fast and they're able to build all of that. Um Because I know they when I signed up for it, they only started like maybe six months ago. Um So so far I really enjoyed using Norby because it's something I don't see anybody else is really doing per se. Uh get a good combination of. You can create a separate landing page if you want. For example I did the West Coast craft market a place in person a couple of months ago and I need to create a landing page to basically opting the people who see my product and want a little like discount code. So I printed all these q posters and in the back I have a QR code and tell people get 10% off if you sign up and I need a landing page. Opt in page for people's um numbers and emails. So that one I used Norby to create that landing patient. It was really beautiful and I created in like two minutes. Um so I think things like that Norby is really really good if you want to just build a multiple like opt in forms, multiple landing page or send up page uh create new events. Uh it's really great especially they're helping you to collecting the phone numbers which is another marketing thing, I forgot to say in 2022. Everybody should incorporating the text message as their part of their marketing strategy on top of like the email marketing, existing email marketing strategy. Um Yeah, so far I really enjoy using Norby and I think I'm gonna, this year I'm gonna push myself to do more text messages um fully utilize what I've been built up to. Um Yeah, me too, I have that as one of my goals and nobody's actually helping me with this idea that we're bringing to life. It's called the Hype Girl Hotline because my book is called your Hype girl and so we're doing the Hype Girl Hotline and you can basically text this number and kind of sign up to receive our text and I'm gonna send out like monday motivation and kind of like have a bit of a chat line going on which I'm super excited about. But my goal is also to kind of like start slowly dipping my toe in the text message side of marketing which I haven't done before. It's totally new to me. So I'm very excited, shout out to Norby, shout out to the founder Sam. She is such an amazing woman. I just also love everyone that works in nor be there so cool. Yes. Yes, totally. What is next? What's coming up for you that you want to shout about? What's new, what's exciting, where can people come and find you in real life. Tell me everything. Yeah. Um So in real life we're doing unique market in L. A. August 13 and 14, 2 days the weekend. So that's coming up. I'm really excited And I love the founder of unique market also agent female and she's been doing that for um over 10 years now which is really impressive. So that's my next in person event. And after that I have West Coast craft winter in san Francisco back in that big indoor um place. That one is really really good and I'm really excited about and one thing I'm not really happy about all these in person events is I can really, because my background is actually doing events like this. Um maybe not like a marketplace but I love the hands on technical like using my hand to build things, display things and in a real space, not just on the internet so that actually pumps me up a lot whenever I do that it gives me a lot of joy and um motivations to do something even more for my brand. So I'm really excited about these events in person and coming up, we're switching to shop flight. So it's gonna give a enhanced fresh the look. So it's not gonna be exactly the same look like dot com today but it's still gonna have the DNA, we still have the same color palette but everything's gonna be refreshed. The landing page. I just saw the design this morning was really excited as a scrolling landing page instead of our mysterious landing page and then it has more information. It just overall, it's more user friendly, um, uh, flow, so that's coming up towards the end of august I'm really excited about and I'd Just launched um, home a few months ago where I'm offering like larger scale pieces and I'm pre ordering these bubbling mirrors behind me. I'm really excited about the mirrors for the physical product and I'm also launching a new course in September one. That's all about styling. So it's really styling correspondent. I have five amazing creators. I have got some all time favorite creators already created a course in the past with me, I have a few new ones. Um, I'm really excited about. Um, yeah, so that's, oh my gosh, so many cool things. That's pretty much it. You've got so many great things going on. Oh my gosh, that sounds so cool. I'm so excited for you, wow. Good luck for the market to sounds really fun. Thank you so much. What is your best piece of advice for early stage founders who are just starting out and launching a brand as a bootstrapped company? That's a great, great question. I think if you're bootstrapping. I think right now if you're launching a brand today, definitely figure out a strategy on Tiktok because that's gonna be zero cost, you know, because I literally had this conversation. I also use another tool called, you use intro, which you can talk to you basically all the experts on that. So, um, last week I talked to the CMO of Rare Beauty, Uh, you know, rare beauty founded by Selena Gomez. So I talked to her and that's one piece of advice she gave it to me. She's like, you know, I asked during recession 2022 like a bootstrapped the company like me, obviously we need to cut a lot of costs. What is one piece of advice? She can give it to me for basically marketing. Um, and she, she said fully utilized Tiktok because this zero cost, you don't even have to bad as, and this, um, this is still going on pretty strong. I don't know what it's going to look like next year. And then she said posted three videos, 77 seconds on Tiktok every single day. So I will say the same three a day. I've heard a ridiculous three days. So many I've heard of people posting 10-20 a day. It's true. I've heard, um, I had Nadia Okamoto on the show and she posts 50 times a day and I'm always just like, what? That's crazy. She's amazing. It's so crazy. I love that. I mean she has 3.3 million followers now. So it really worked for. Yeah, 50 times. Yes. I will stick with maybe one for now. Yeah, one is good. I do one.
So question number one is, what's your why? Why are you doing this every single day because I'm so passionate about what I'm doing, that's why. And that's the, and it's my first company. Obviously I got really personally, really attached and that's good and also bad. Um, but just I'm really passionate about and I really believe in what I'm doing. Amazing. Question # two is what has been your favorite marketing moment so far. I think when I tried to launch the correspondence, that was my failure marketing moment and it really worked and I got really great feedback. Love that for you. Question # three is what is your go to business resource when it comes to a book or a newsletter or a podcast. I don't have a one book. I really enjoyed reading a couple of years ago, building a brand story. That's a really good book for building a brand and it really helps you with messaging. That's really good resource for me. And today I feel like there's just so many resources out there. Honestly, I feel like a Tiktok is really good one. That's where I discovered your Tiktok, I discovered you're sharing all these like a grand and like all these resources. So I don't really have a go to one. I feel like a lot of us these days don't have just one hub, one place we're kind of jumping around. Yeah. So I don't know if that's a good answer, but I do like Tiktok. It's a great answer, I love Tiktok to Yeah. And I I also just bookmark it. If I find out something really interesting, I don't have time to like fully digest or dig into that resources there provided I just bookmark it. And later on I go back to a 100%. Me too. I do. The same question of a thought is how do you win the day? What are your AM or PM rituals and habits that keep you feeling happy and successful in the morning? I don't know if this is a good habit. I always have a coffee in the morning and I have a little Pomeranian and five minutes. It's like, oh my God, your dog is so cute. I have to tell you, I forgot to tell you already. I have a little dog too. And hazelnut is like warms my heart. I love her. She's so cute. What is your dog name? My dog is. She's a little chihuahua and she is called sweetie, sweetie. What a sweetie pie. Yeah. So I feel like you probably feel the same. Like whenever you come back to home or waking up in the morning, they just jumps on you and then greeting you and making you. That's just like a good five minutes for me and I needed that every morning to wake up. Um, going to sleep is not good right now. It's just Tiktok, I don't recommend to go with Tiktok, but that's something I needed to change. Um, yeah, but that's kind of my simple routines. I don't, I, one thing I wish I develop a workout in the morning routine, but I currently don't do not have, and that's just what it is. That's just what it is. Hey, I mean one step at a time, you've got the dog kisses, that's the best ever. That's all you need. It's again, also my like favorite part of the day is like the mornings and giving her little snuggles and stuff. She's so cute. Question # five is what's been your biggest money mistake? And how much did it cost you? Money mistake? I think maybe launching product that is not ready for your audience, that was my mistake Cost me maybe I would say 10 grand. What did you launch? I think I launched um some digital product that was not really audience of my audience, not really ready. And I think in my head of my, this is really good idea, I think, but I didn't really test it out. I didn't really like do more researching before and I just kind of launched it. So I feel like that's something they were not ready for. Probably what's my biggest mistake, but even that, I feel like it's okay because like the digital product, I can still utilize their photos, so I can still utilize those photos. Um yeah, so it's, it is a mistake by, it's a good mistake to, to have? Yeah, absolutely. Learning comes from those mistakes. And question number six, last question, what is just a crazy story, good or bad that you can share from this journey of building a business? I think maybe it's not when I was building the company, it's before why I motivated me to building the company. Obviously I said because I was passionate about my product and I think it's a great idea, but really before that makes me really wanted not working for anybody anymore for the next couple of years, it was my previous job really made me realize I can do this and I feel like if I'm gonna bust in my ass off for somebody else, I may try that from my own company. Yeah, so that's kind of really big like moment of waking up moment um for me to really want to having the idea of having my own company. 100%. So true. So true. Claire this was so fun. Thank you so much for taking the time to join me on the show today and share all of your learnings and your cool journey in mid earlier. Thank you so much for having me. It's been a pleasure and I'm so honored to be part of your family and I can't wait to see what else is coming for you this this year. Next I'm excited for you. Thank you so much.